How to choose
a compass for the campaign

When going on a hike, tourists take a lot of supplies and accessories. But one of the essential tools is a compass. A fairly simple device, invented in China more than two thousand years ago, that helps to determine the cardinal points and pave a route in the right direction. Despite the fact that today you can navigate by GPS navigators and various electronic devices, it is the usual mechanical compass that remains in great demand among travelers. If you are planning to go hiking on your own, you will definitely need a good tourist compass. How to choose a compass? In order not to get lost in a wide variety of mechanisms for orientation on the ground, we recommend that you read this article.

The choice of compass is impossible without knowing his species.
Among the most common tourist compasses, the following can be distinguished:

1. Magnetic is the most popular type of compass. In the center of such a compass there is a constantly rotating arrow, the upper end of which points to the north, the lower end to the south. North in the magnetic compass is colored blue. A handy magnetic compass should not be used near power lines or other tracks.

2. Electromagnetic - looks like an electronic clock, popular more than 20 years ago. The principle of operation of this compass is similar to that of a magnetic compass. However, in addition to the magnetic mechanism, several electronic chips are sewn into it, which read information about the position on the ground and translate it into a digital version. The advantages of the electromagnetic compass are lightness and compactness, you can carry it on your wrist like a watch, use it as a backup if the magnetic compass breaks down or on difficult hikes to save weight; disadvantages - depends on the battery, it is more expensive than the magnetic one.

3. Electronic - one of the most complex types of compasses. The coordinate definition in such a device occurs using a satellite navigation system. Advantage - is a high-precision orientation tool for the locality; Disadvantages - complexity in use and impressive price, such a compass is more suitable for professionals, requires charging or using batteries.

4. Liquid compass - rapid rotation of the needle in such a compass is provided by a special liquid that it is immersed in. The viscosity of such a liquid is higher than the viscosity of air, so the needle in a liquid compass not only rotates quickly, but also quickly falls into place. Advantages - high responsiveness, which allows using the liquid compass in sports orienteering on the terrain, the ability to use the compass while running.

Now that you understand the basic compasses, let's talk about the types of their enclosures: Closed compasses have a cover that protects the flask of the device, which makes them quite bulky. These compasses are not only larger, but also heavier than conventional compasses. Tablet compasses are installed on a rectangular base, on which there is usually a ruler to determine the distance on the map, sometimes such compasses are equipped with a magnified glass for viewing details on the map. With a flatbed compass, it is easier to determine the azimuth.
Fingertip compasses are extremely compact.They have a small ruler and a thumb hole in the housing. Fixation on the finger takes place with a piece of rubberized cloth. Most often they are used for running orienteering on the terrain, when the compass is in one hand and the map is in the other. Wrist-worn compasses - they look like wristwatches, mostly used by cyclists, but extremely inconvenient for hiking in the mountains. Ability to navigate the terrain using a compass. Therefore, I recommend an inexpensive and multifunctional compass model, predefined.

If we talk about conventional models with a magnetic needle, they can be of two types: mechanical and liquid. The advantage of liquid models is tightness and reliability. Inside, they are filled with a special viscous liquid, does not freeze even at very low temperatures, and also quickly dampens the oscillations of the arrow. A separate moment when choosing is the form factor. There are a lot of options here: standard devices on a strap with a dial, an arrow and divisions; tablet type with a drawstring; in a sealed case; in the form of a keychain or ours. A more advanced device allows you to determine your path using the map and stars, plot routes and determine distances.
The main criterion for choosing is the purpose of the compass. Modern manufacturers produce many options for different occasions. For schoolchildren - a small, lightweight device. Geological Models — Designed for use with a map. Made on a tablet equipped with a magnifying device for reading small signs on a map of the area. Engineering is a heavy device equipped with a sighting device for fixing landmarks. Multifunctional - versatile compasses equipped with devices that facilitate orientation on the terrain.
Someone will ask: why buy an antediluvian mechanical compass with an arrow, if there are electronic models, functional navigators on sale, and you can download an application showing the necessary directions on an ordinary smartphone? Let's list the advantages of mechanical compasses: they are as easy to use as possible; they do not require batteries or satellite connection; a wide range of models that can be used in the most difficult conditions, including freezing or under water; when used correctly, they show an accurate result. Electronic devices, in turn, are very sensitive to magnetic disturbances. Agree, you will not be able to use your phone application or car navigator under water, in a strong blizzard or with a dead battery. These problems are not terrible for an ordinary compass.

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